Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am sorry that I am not a very good blogger. I always forget to keep updating my stuff. So here goes the updating process. I am still working on my self-portrait project. Here is the thumbnail version for what I am doing. Obviously my drawing skills are not that great, but let me explain what I am thinking about doing. The borders are made up of film strips from pictures I took while I studied abroad last year. There are pictures from England, Paris and Italy. Then there is a picture of me inside the frame that is going to be washed out. I am thinking about including a quote around my head about traveling. This self-portrait project does not contain every single portion of my life, but it contains a lot of what I love. I love to travel and experience new cultures which is why I am including so many pictures of foreign places. The film strips also represent my love for photography. I also love quotes and the feelings that they make readers generate. There are definitely other parts of my life that are important to me too like my family and friends, but I am really happy with this concept. Hopefully it will turn out!

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